Common Reasons for Tooth Extractions

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Improvements in dental care and oral hygiene practices have meant that fewer people are losing their teeth. However, there are still situations where a tooth extraction Mississauga is the best option.



A strike to the head or mouth during sports, an accident, or a fall can damage a tooth severely. Although your dentist will always try to save the tooth, sometimes trauma can lead to extensive damage.



Minor decay is solvable with a filling, whereas moderate decay calls for an inlay, onlay, or crown. In some cases, decay is so widespread that very little healthy tooth remains. In these cases, the only option is tooth extraction.



Teeth can become infected in the pulp of the roots, where you find the nerves and blood vessels. Your dentist will try to remove all the infected tissue through root canal therapy, after which he or she will seal the tooth canal and prescribe you antibiotics to kill the infection.

Unfortunately, a root canal is sometimes unable to save the tooth. If too much of the tooth is damaged or the infection returns, your dentist may need to extract your tooth.


Compromised Immune System

Patients with compromised immune systems need to avoid infections at all costs. If there is a high risk for infection of a tooth, your dentist may recommend tooth extraction.



Overcrowding can be due to poor alignment of teeth alone or it can be due to insufficient space. When there is not enough room for all your teeth to be straight, your dentist will recommend tooth extraction followed by orthodontic treatment.


Impacted Teeth

When teeth are unable to erupt fully, they are called impacted. This is most common in wisdom teeth. As wisdom teeth are unnecessary, it is best to have impacted teeth removed as soon as possible.

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