It’s vital to take care of your teeth at every stage of your life, including before, during, and after pregnancy. Your body changes a lot in pregnancy—and some of these changes affect your oral health.
Consequently, it’s crucial that you continue to look after your teeth and gums during this exciting chapter. Stick to your dental care habits, keep an eye out for any changes, and stop by Bristol Dental Clinic for a prenatal dental checkup.
Dental Care Before Pregnancy
Before becoming pregnant, you should be keeping up with your regular oral hygiene routine. It’s very important that you establish an unshakeable foundation of at-home dental care to protect your mouth from decay and disease.
Hopefully, you’ve already done this! After all, your normal routines will be tested and disrupted immediately after pregnancy. The stronger your dental habits are pre-pregnancy, the easier they will be to maintain once your newborn arrives.
Here are the top oral health habits that you should be practising:
- Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Use fluoride toothpaste.
- Floss between your teeth once daily.
- Rinse with mouthwash.
- Hydrate with water frequently.
Additionally, you need to have regular dental checkups before (and during) pregnancy. If you’re planning to get pregnant, let your dentist know at your appointment. You should also tell them about any medication that you’re taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, supplements, and herbal products.
These dental checkups are essential for finding and treating dental problems early, as well as keeping your teeth and gums healthy. You want to take care of any developing issues before pregnancy. Once you’re pregnant, any elective procedures will have to wait.
Dental Care During Pregnancy
Dental care is an incredibly important part of your prenatal care for several reasons.
- The hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy can affect your oral health. For example, your gums can become sensitive, swollen, and red. This is called “pregnancy gingivitis,” and it affects 40% of all pregnant women. If untreated, it can lead to more serious gum and bone disease, which can increase your risk for other health conditions.
- During pregnancy, elevated levels of certain hormones (progesterone and estrogen) can temporarily loosen the tissues and bones that keep your teeth in place.
- Pregnancy cravings can cause your eating habits to change. Consequently, you may start consuming certain foods that are harmful to your oral health. Sugary treats and beverages are an obvious example.
- A condition called “pica”, an eating disorder, can cause some pregnant patients to crave inedible things, like large amounts of ice, paste, or dirt. You should let your dentist know immediately if this occurs.
- Some patients develop “pregnancy tumours.” These are not cancerous tumours. Rather, they are inflamed lumps that form on the gums, often between your teeth. They bleed easily, look red and raw, and can make eating painful. Pregnancy tumours usually disappear on their own after birth. However, in some cases, your dentist may have to remove them sooner.
How can you prevent dental problems during pregnancy?
First and foremost, you need to stick to your at-home dental care routine. That means brushing twice per day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, flossing, rinsing with an alcohol-free mouthwash, hydrating with water, and eating healthy foods.
If brushing your teeth makes you feel nauseous, first try using a bland-tasting toothpaste. Alternatively, try using antacids or rinsing your mouth with a baking soda-water mixture if your morning sickness is particularly bad. This helps neutralize the acids in your mouth that lead to tooth decay. Nonetheless, it’s important to do your best to keep up with your daily oral hygiene habits.
Additionally, you should continue visiting your Mississauga dentist for regular checkups. These should be scheduled for every six months. However, it’s best to visit Bristol Dental Clinic during the first three months of your pregnancy. You’ll receive a professional cleaning and checkup to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy.
What are some signs of dental problems during pregnancy?
If you’re experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, call your dentist right away. You may need prompt dental care from Bristol Dental Clinic in Mississauga.
- Persistent bad breath
- Loose teeth
- Mouth sores or lumps on the gums
- New spaces between your teeth
- Red, swollen, tender, or shiny gums
- Gums that bleed easily
- Toothaches
How are dental problems treated during pregnancy?
Any urgent dental problems need to be treated during pregnancy. Just make sure your dentist knows that you’re pregnant! You’ll be given medicine (pain relievers or antibiotics) that is safe during pregnancy, although you should always talk to your prenatal provider first. Local anesthesia is also safe to use.
Elective treatments, however, should wait until after your baby’s birth. These are any treatments that you don’t need right away and aren’t necessary to protect your or your baby’s health.
Are dental X-rays safe during pregnancy?
Yes! Dental X-rays are safe, even during pregnancy. You’re covered with a special lead apron and collar that protects you and your baby from the very small amount of radiation used to take an X-ray.
Dental Care After Pregnancy
After your pregnancy, you will be responsible for both your oral health and your newborn baby’s health. We know that you’re tired, but it’s very important to maintain your at-home dental care habits.
Your baby may not have any teeth yet; however, you still need to look after their mouth. Don’t let them fall asleep with a bottle, and wipe down their gums with a warm, wet cloth to keep them clean.
Visit Your Mississauga Dentist at Bristol Dental Clinic Before, During, and After Your Pregnancy!
Bristol Dental Clinic is here for you before, during, and after your pregnancy. Our experienced and friendly staff helps keep your teeth and gums healthy amidst the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. Be sure to let us know if you’re planning on becoming pregnant soon so we can get your mouth in tip-top shape.
To book an appointment in Mississauga, call Bristol Dental Clinic at 866-673-2109 or contact us here.
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