How to Clean Invisalign Trays: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to clean invisalign trays: A step-by-step guide
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Invisalign trays are a favourite method for straightening smiles since they are discreet, comfortable, and easy to use at home. Although you swap out trays every two weeks, proper hygiene is essential! Otherwise, your aligners may stain, smell off-putting, or get damaged. 

You can also develop cavities if you neglect your aligners. Consequently, properly cleaning your Invisalign aligners is an essential part of caring for your oral hygiene.

1. Soak your Invisalign trays

It’s essential to soak your Invisalign trays at least once daily to keep them looking and smelling their best. Otherwise, your aligners will discolour, accumulate plaque, and have an unpleasant odour. We suggest soaking them in the morning and evening as part of your oral hygiene routine.

Brushing alone will not remove all the food particles, gunk, and bacteria that build up on your Invisalign trays. You need to give them a good soak. Soak them for 3 minutes using either Invisalign cleaning crystals (with the suggested amount of water) or Invisalign “Steraligner”. 

Once the 3 minutes is up, brush the trays with a soft-bristled toothbrush, rinse, and put them back in.

2. Brush your trays every morning and evening

You must clean your Invisalign aligners every morning and every evening. It prevents plaque and bacteria from building up in the trays. Just like you clean your teeth after you wake up and before you sleep, you also need to clean your Invisalign.

For Invisalign treatment to be effective, you must wear the trays at night. However, bacteria gather on the trays as you sleep. Your morning hygiene habits are especially crucial for this reason. Gently cleaning your aligners (and teeth) every morning removes built-up bacteria and keeps your mouth healthy.

Of course, brushing your trays every evening, after dinner and before you go to bed is essential. It removes any lingering food debris, sugars, and bacteria that naturally accumulate daily. 

You should brush your trays with a separate soft-bristled toothbrush—not the one you use to brush your teeth. 

Use a gentle cleaning solution such as a clear liquid soap and water, vinegar and water, baking soda and water, or the cleaning solution with your Invisalign. Do not use toothpaste, as it is too abrasive for the aligners and may damage them. 

3. Rinse your trays every time you remove them

When you remove your aligners, rinse them before putting them back in. Since you won’t be wearing them 24/7 (you need to take them out to eat or drink), you will, inevitably, have to rinse them multiple times throughout the day. Rinsing also keeps plaque and saliva build-up to a minimum. 

Keep in mind that rinsing is different from soaking. Whereas soaking involves a cleaning solution, rinsing uses ordinary water (do not use hot water). Consequently, rinsing is not a replacement for soaking.

You can also brush the trays after rinsing, since this removes stuck particles that water can’t wash away.

4. Store your Invisalign trays in their case

Proper storage is essential for caring for your Invisalign trays and keeping them clean. You should place the aligners in their case whenever you’re not wearing them. After all, leaving your trays in the open air exposes them to bacteria and germs. 

When you put your aligners back in, all the bacteria that has built up goes into your mouth. Predictably, this is not good for your oral health.

Invisalign cases are airtight containers designed to keep your trays safe from bacteria. You should always have a container. If you forget, rinse and soak your Invisalign trays before putting them back in your mouth.

5. Brush and floss your teeth before putting your trays back in 

You need to remove your Invisalign to eat or drink. Food particles, sugars, carbohydrates, and other debris get stuck on or between your teeth every time you eat or drink. 

Rinsing your mouth with water helps wash away some of these stubborn leftovers. However, the only way to properly clean your teeth is to brush them. It is especially vital during your Invisalign treatment.

Putting your aligners in right after eating can trap food particles against your teeth. This debris is pressed into your teeth for hours at a time. Since the trays hold it in place, saliva can’t wash it away. 

It can lead to dental issues like cavities and tooth decay. Consequently, you should always brush or floss your teeth before putting your trays back in. 

Invisalign Care FAQ

What’s the difference between rinsing and soaking?

Rinsing is done with water and washes away some plaque and saliva. It does not address bacteria. Soaking involves a proper cleaning solution that removes bacteria, plaque, and food particles. 

How often should you clean your aligners?

You should clean your Invisalign aligners twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, once in the morning and again in the evening. Do this at the same time as brushing and flossing your teeth. 

What cleaners should you use with Invisalign?

The best cleaners for Invisalign trays are Invisalign’s cleaning crystals or “Sterialigner” cleaning solution. Both are designed specifically to clean your aligners without damaging them. Soak for 3 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

You can also use:

  • A small amount of clear liquid soap and lukewarm water (soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse).
  • A solution of one part white vinegar and three parts lukewarm water (soak for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water).
  • A solution of one tablespoon of baking soda and half a cup of water (soak for 60 minutes and rinse).

What cleaners should you avoid?

Some cleansers are too harsh and can damage your Invisalign trays. You should avoid denture cleaners, alcohol-based mouthwashes, scented or coloured soaps, and toothpaste.

Straighten Your Smile with Invisalign (and the Help of Your Mississauga Orthodontist)

Transforming your smile is easy with Invisalign. They’re a discreet, straightforward, and effective method for straightening crooked smiles and misaligned teeth. 

An orthodontist at Bristol Dental Clinic is ready to help. We provide Invisalign orthodontic treatment for our Mississauga patients.

To book an Invisalign consultation with an orthodontist in Mississauga, call Bristol Dental Clinic at 866-673-2109 or contact us here.

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  • Posted on 18-04-2024 by Should You Keep Your Old Invisalign Trays? | Bristol Dental Clinic

    […] Invisalign trays are custom-made plastic aligners that correct tooth misalignment, resulting in a more symmetrical and beautiful smile. Over the duration of your treatment plan, you use a series of aligners to gently guide your teeth into the desired positions. […]
