Snap-On Smile Dentists: Who Are They?

Snap-On Smile Dentists -Mississauga Dentists- Bristol Dental Care
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Snap-On Smile dentists fix your teeth when you feel that your teeth need a cosmetic revamp. Snap-On Smiles are made of thin, high grade resin materials that are highly durable. These are affordable solutions to repair damaged, crooked, and even lost teeth. Moreover, patients can have these done from a dentist open during evening.

What is Snap-On Smile treatment?

A Snap-On Smile treatment gives patients their engaging smile back through a non-invasive procedure. Dentists create Snap-On Smiles using high grade dental resin which they place on top of your tooth. This cosmetic treatment works just like veneers. Choosing this treatment lets you eat and drink without worrying too much about your lost teeth.

Snap-On Smile dentists use this treatment either as a temporary or a more permanent aesthetic solution. It may be applied for either the missing upper teeth, lower teeth, or both. People of all ages find this very affordable and life-changing. The procedure only needs two painless visits to your dentist, open during evening, as it does not involve invasive procedure.

How do Snap-On Smile dentists perform this procedure?

The Snap-On Smile dentists are the ones who install the treatment on top of your teeth. Here’s how the procedure goes.

During your first appointment, your dentist checks if you are a good candidate for Snap-On Smile. Next, your dentist captures an impression of your teeth and uses it to create the Snap-On Smile that fit you. It takes around three weeks before you can go back to the dental clinic to try them on. During your second visit, your dentist, open during evening, lets you wear it to check if it needs some adjustments. Always take good care of your Snap-On Smiles for it to last up to five years before it needs replacement.

Have your Snap-On Smiles made at Bristol Dental Care and start wearing them at home, work, and anywhere you go!

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