What can Dental X-rays Detect in Bristol Dental?

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Dental X-rays Mississauga can detect several things that your dentist will be able to help you address.

Things such as impacted teeth, teeth that are not pointed in the correct position, or bone loss.


Other diagnostic testing equipment

There is other diagnostic testing equipment that can be used in the dentist office also.

Intra-Oral Camera Mississauga is used to scan for cracked or factures teeth or periodontal disease. The intra-oral camera can magnify and highlight these issues so that you the patient can see them as well as the dentist in order to help you understand how bad the issue is.

Another piece of diagnostic testing equipment that we use in the Bristol Dental Group is the Carl Zeiss microscope Mississauga. This microscope provides up to 22 times magnification providing a superior three-dimensional imagining of the patient’s mouth.

Periodontal disease under the Intra-Oral Camera

When you are fighting periodontal disease the Intra-Oral camera can be of great use allowing your periodontist to see exactly what lies just below the surface. Catching gingivitis before it turns into full-blown periodontal disease helps keep your teeth and bone healthier.

Magnifying the inflammation and bacteria that causes periodontal disease up to 22 times it makes it much easier to remove all materials that are causing inflammation. Allowing your periodontist and you to protect your gums, teeth, and bone from periodontal disease.

Bristol Dental Group

The Bristol Dental Group can help you prevent periodontal disease and other issues from minuscule fractures and cracks in your teeth with the Intra-Oral camera, just one of the latest dental diagnostic equipment available in Mississauga today.

We do all this to help you our patients continue to have healthy teeth and gums throughout your lifetime.


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